Cumberland Community Church
At CCC, our desire is to reach the unchurched people of the greater Cumberland Maryland,as well as Allegany, Mineral and Bedford County areas. This includes both people with church experience who no longer participate and those who have no church history at all. Our church is currently made up of both groups of folks.
At CCC, we are a diverse, loving group of believers and seekers of truth who will accept you just as you are in your life’s journey. We come from a large variety of backgrounds and family groups. There are traditional families, folks who have experienced divorce, single moms with kids, and singles.
It is very exciting as we continue to experience all God has done and is doing since the birth of this church in Cumberland. God is busy changing lives and situations for those who are willing to check out a relationship with him.We have activities for children, youth and adults. There are currently 4 small group Bible studies meeting during the week. Come let us get to know you, and learn to love you.
We meet at 12900 Bedford Road (former site of Bedford Road Baptist Church) every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Dress is casual (blue jeans, shorts, etc…) The music and worship is very contemporary. Nursery and Children’s Church are provided for children 10 and under. We have a variety of small group Bible studies that meet during the week.
Vision Statement
“Cumberland Community Church will be a safe haven where seekers of spiritual truth can come in their particular family group to explore and realize the possibility of a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Core Values
Family/Person oriented ministry
Christ/Bible centered focus
Sharing the “Good News”
Low pressure/Low barrier atmosphere
Flexible/Non-traditional approach to worship